An Almost-Shout-Out from Weebly

What is Weebly?

Weebly is a website builder, a class of tools that allow you to create a website using an intuitive, drag-and-drop user interface. These tools are intended to allow a company to maintain and incrementally develop their website on their own, without the overhead of using a web developer for ongoing changes.

Weebly is a very popular tool, used by tens of millions of websites. It runs in a web browser, features an intuitive, drag-and-drop user interface and also has iOS and Android apps for editing your web site on the go.



Last night, Weebly sent out an email to all of their customers -- over 30 million -- touting a "fresh new look" for their App Center. The email contained a screenshot of the App Center with the top four most popular apps highlighted. Although it was small and very easily overlooked, the fourth of those apps was our very own Color Block.

Will this generate revenue for us? Unlikely, but it did warm the cockles of our hearts.

Click to enlarge
