Problem [Could Have Been] Solved

Earlier this year, one of our clients (I'll call them ACME Industries) approached us with the following problem: “We need 260,000 people to go online and select their size for a shirt. We need about 10,000 people to be able to select concurrently.” After a short conversation with the client, more detailed requirements were identified. Let's take a look at their both their requirements and our proposed solution.

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NOW AVAILABLE: Alexa, ask Finite Wisdom

Alexa is a virtual personal assistant from Amazon. Similar in spirit to offerings from Apple (Siri), Microsoft (Cortana) and Google (Assistant), you can speak to these personal assistants and ask them to read the weather report, play a song or tell you a joke. What truly sets Amazon's Alexa apart from the other personal assistants, however, is that it provides an API that programmers (like us) can use to define new skills for Alexa — teaching it new tricks. As a demonstration, Finite Wisdom has developed and released a new skill for Alexa that allows it to connect to Harvest, the time tracking application that we use to track the number of hours we bill each day to each of our clients. With this new skill in place, one of our clients can have a conversation like the following with Alexa...

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