Harvest API Integration

What is Harvest?

Harvest is a time tracking application used by over 40,000 companies including Finite Wisdom. We use it to track the number of hours we bill each day to each of our clients. Harvest provides an API that one can use to retrieve this information and present it on your own website or web application



To demonstrate an integration with the Harvest API, we have created a small demo application that one can use to summarize the hours that two of us here at Finite Wisdom have billed to each of our clients. You can choose to summarize by day, week, month, quarter or year, either this (e.g. this week) or last (e.g. last month).

You can try this demo application yourself. Please realize that this is real-time data - as we record our time each day, you will see the relevant numbers update: today, this week, this month, this quarter and this year.

Click to enlarge

Built with

This demo application was built using the following technologies: