
What is Parenthesize?

Visual Studio Code is a free source-code editor made by Microsoft and available for Windows, Linux and macOS. Visual Studio Code is built with extensibility in mind. From the user interface to the editing experience, almost every part of the application can be customized and enhanced through the Extension API. In fact, many core features of the application are built as extensions and use the same Extension API.

Parenthesize is an extension for Visual Studio Code, built with Node.js and published by Finite Wisdom, that makes it easy to wrap one or more selections with:

  • Parentheses: ( )

  • Square brackets: [ ]

  • Curly brackets: { }

  • Angle brackets: < >

You have the ability to either include or exclude spaces when wrapping the selections.


The commands made available in the Command Palette by this extensions are:


You can configure the default keyboard shortcuts for these commands using the Keyboard Shortcuts page:

Click to enlarge

Since it was released in December 2020, the Parenthesize extension has been installed by 239 users.
