
Identifize is an extension for Visual Studio Code, built with Node.js and published by Finite Wisdom, that makes it easy to format identifiers by replacing non-alphanumeric characters in the selection(s) with either hyphens or underscores, and forcing the entire string to either lowercase or uppercase.

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Parenthesize is an extension for Visual Studio Code, built with Node.js and published by Finite Wisdom, that makes it easy to wrap one or more selections with:

  • Parentheses: ( )

  • Square brackets: [ ]

  • Curly brackets: { }

  • Angle brackets: < >

You have the ability to either include or exclude spaces when wrapping the selections.

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Node.js is an open-source, server-side execution environment for JavaScript. With JavaScript already the standard scripting language for web clients, it is very compelling to also use JavaScript for web application servers. Node.js has the largest repository of open-source utilities in the world, collectively known as npm, the Node Package Manager. npm makes it easier for programmers to publish and share source code for useful pieces of Node.js functionality. Finite Wisdom has contributed our first package to npm. It is called express-debug-panel and implements a panel containing useful debugging information, for use in Express.js applications. Let’s take a closer look at the functionality it provides.

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